If you're anything like me - and I pray that you're nothing like me - you've probably said something like this before...
"I would love to exercise, but I just don't have time."
I used that excuse for years. One day I sat back and thought, "Really? Are you sure you can't fit in a half an hour a day to exercise?"
I looked at my schedule. It was pretty packed. I'm a father of five kids with a very hard-working stay-at-home wife. I work full-time, go to school full-time, have my own side business, do various duties for my church, do stand-up comedy when I can and work on my "Great American Novel" that I've been writing for the past six years. (I'm not trying to brag or get sympathy, I'm simply stating how it is.)
After a lot of thought and effort, I decided that the only time I had to exercise was in the wee small hours of the morning. (Sinatra, anyone?)
My alarm now goes off at 4:00 (yes, AM) and after I stretch, I go walking/jogging. (I also put some clothes on before I go out. It may be 4:00 am, but there are still laws.)
Now, I realize that getting up at 4:00 is not what everyone wants to do, but if you REALLY want to exercise, you will make time for it in your already packed schedule.
Perhaps watching Season Four of Smallville on DVD will have to be put on hold. The World Record for Super Mario will have to wait for another day. Maybe you won't be able to watch the entire Monday night football game...along with Pre-game and Post-Game. You may have to put down the book for a few minutes.
The simple fact of the matter is, if it is truly important to you, you will make the time. Think of it as important as showering and brushing your teeth. You can find time to do those daily. (And your peers thank you.) Set aside a certain time every day to workout. You will see a change in not only your waistline, but you will see a change in your life. I promise you that. I'm living proof of that.
Here's another excuse I used...
"I don't have time to make breakfast, I'm just going to stop for a Croissan'wich on the way to work."
Some breakfasts...like a good wholesome bowl of cereal or oatmeal...take less time than any given drive-thru. Sure, Kashi is not as good as a McMuffin, but you will feel better. (This is coming from a guy that ate Carl's Jr. Breakfast Burgers a few times a week because I didn't have time to make breakfast.) Plus, once you get up and workout, you won't want to "X" out all of those burned calories by eating a Sonic Breakfast Burrito. (I don't want one of those. I don't want one of those. I don't want...)
We are all busy. I totally get that! Heck, from the time I arrive at work, I'm so busy working that I barely have time to waste time on the internet. I usually have to eat my packed lunch at my desk. (I have the crumbs in my keyboard to prove it.)
The point is, make the time to change your lifestyle. When you are craving that cigarette, take a walk around the building. (Just stay away from the designated smoking area.) When you hear the vending machine calling for you (SHUT UP KIT-KAT!) walk to the sink and get yourself a nice cold glass of water.
You are doing a great job in changing your habits. i am proud of every single accomplishment that you have made.
Let's make a deal to stop the excuses today! We can do this. We ARE doing this.
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