Saturday, October 22, 2011

Workout: Week of October 24

I've had a few people ask me about my current workout. It's a combination of various exercises from websites that I frequent.

Since I don't have a lot of time to exercise, all of my workouts are done in an hour or less.  

All the equipment required here are things I have at my disposal, either at home or at my gym. If you don't have some of the things required, you can always tweak it. For instance, if you don't have weights, use bottles of water or cans of food. If you don't have a jump rope - or don't have high ceilings - you can go through the motions without the rope. You can even “shadow box” if you don’t have a bag. 

You cannot, however, substitute a good pair of shoes. Walking/jogging is a pretty big part of this workout.  While I have been doing my own running plan, I just felt that I wasn't reaching that next level, so I am starting the Couch To 5k (C25k) at the beginning again. (I have a 5k to run in February.)

Oh yeah, just to make sure I don't get sued or anything: I am not a physician nor am I a trainer of any sort.  I am just a guy that really wants to lose weight and make lifestyle changes that I will do for the rest of my life. This workout caters to my schedule and the equipment I have available. As always, before you start this or any exercise plan, see your physician.

Walk/Jog: C25k Week 1, Day 1 - Brisk five-minute warm-up walk. Then alternate 60 seconds of jogging and 90 seconds of walking for a total of 20 minutes.
Boxing: 3-minute rounds (Adapted from AskMen's Boxer Workout)
 :30 - Assorted punches on heavy bag (make sure you're using gloves and hand wraps)
 :30 - Jump Rope (even if you don’t have a rope, pretend)
 :30 - Speed Bag as fast as possible
 :30 - Jumping Jacks
 :30 - Hard Punches on heavy bag (may be difficult without bag, but try it)
 :30 - Burpees
 1:00 - REST  Repeat 2 more times (Total of 9 minutes Cardio + 3 minutes rest)
Sit-Ups: Two Hundred Sit-Ups Week 1, Day 1 (Initial test=8 Sit-ups)
Set 1: 3 Sit-Ups (rest 60 seconds)
 Set 2: 4 Sit-Ups (rest 60 seconds)
Set 3: 3 Sit-Ups (rest 60 seconds)
 Set 4: 3 Sit-Ups (rest 60 seconds)
 Set 5: max Sit-Ups (at least 5)

Crunches: On stability ball.  (3 sets of 10)
Ab Killers: Also called Medicine Ball Twist, but Ab Killers is my name for it.  Sit on the ground with your legs straight in front of you and hold a medicine ball (you can use a weight or even basketball) on the ground beside one hip. Now, keeping your legs as straight as possible, lift your feet off the ground a couple of inches. Hold your legs up and move the ball across your body, touching it to the ground next to each hip. (3 Sets of 10.)  Count each time the ball returns to it’s original place.  (So, if you start on your right, you bring it to your left and then back to your right and count one.)  Make sure not to let your heels touch the ground.

Circuit Workout:  (NOTE: Anything marked with * means that it uses weights.  Pick lighter weight for more reps.)
Squats: Two Hundred Squats Week 1, Day 1 (Initial test=15 squats)
Set 1: 8 Squats (rest 60 seconds)
 Set 2: 8 Squats (rest 60 seconds)
Set 3: 5 Squats (rest 60 seconds)
 Set 4: 5 Squats (rest 60 seconds)
 Set 5: max Squats (at least 7)

Push-Ups: One Hundred Push-Ups Week 1, Day 1: (Initial test = 5 Push-Ups)
Set 1: 2 Push-Ups (rest 60 seconds)
 Set 2: 3 Push-Ups (rest 60 seconds)
Set 3: 2 Push-Ups (rest 60 seconds)
 Set 4: 2 Push-Ups (rest 60 seconds)
 Set 5: max Push-Ups (at least 3)
Push-Up Plank: Hold for sixty seconds
Pull-Ups: Follow Scooby's plan
Stationary Bike: 10 minutes
Incline Bench Press*: As many reps in sixty seconds.
Leg Press*: As many reps in sixty seconds.
Leg Extension*: As many reps in sixty seconds.
Leg Curls*:  As many reps in sixty seconds.
Bicep Curls*: As many reps in sixty seconds.
Military Press*: As many reps in sixty seconds.
Tricep Extension*: As many reps in sixty seconds.
Woodchopper Squats*: As many reps in sixty seconds.
Bent over rows*: As many reps in sixty seconds.

Walk/Jog: C25k Week 1 Day 2 - Brisk five-minute warm-up walk. Then alternate 60 seconds of jogging and 90 seconds of walking for a total of 20 minutes.
Sit-Ups: Two Hundred Sit-Ups Week 1, Day 2 (Initial test=8 Sit-ups)
Set 1: 5 Sit-Ups (rest 60 seconds)
 Set 2: 6 Sit-Ups (rest 60 seconds)
Set 3: 3 Sit-Ups (rest 60 seconds)
 Set 4: 5 Sit-Ups (rest 60 seconds)
 Set 5: max Sit-Ups (at least 8)
(NOTE: the following abs workout comes from Men’s Health via Military .com)

Double Crunch:  Lie on your back, with your hips and knees bent as shown and your feet off the floor. Rest your hands lightly on your chest. Position the ball between your knees.  Exhale as you lift your shoulders off the floor and bring your knees toward your chest. Grab the ball with your hands and bring it to your chest as you inhale and 3 return your shoulders and legs to the starting position. Transfer the ball back to your legs on the next repetition, and keep alternating ball positions for the entire set.
Seated Twist: Sit on the floor, your back straight but leaning slightly toward the floor, as if in the "up" position of a situp. Your knees should be bent 90 degrees, your heels about 15 inches apart and resting on the floor.  Hold the ball close to your chest, rotate your torso to the left, and place the ball on the floor behind you. Rotate around to the right, pick up the ball, rotate left, and place it behind you. Repeat eight to 12 times, then do eight to 12 more starting with a rotation to your right; that's one set.
Reverse Crunch with Knee Drops: Lie on your back, hands resting on the floor at your sides, hips and knees bent 90 degrees, and feet off the floor.  Position the ball between your knees. Keep your lower back on the floor throughout the exercise.  Contract your abdominals and pull your knees to your chest, then return them to the starting position. Lower your knees to the left and return to the starting position. Drop your knees to your right on the next repetition, and alternate sides for each rep.

Stationary Bike: 10 minutes
Squats: Two Hundred Squats Week 1, Day 2 (Initial test=15 squats)
Set 1: 8 Squats (rest 60 seconds)
 Set 2: 11 Squats (rest 60 seconds)
Set 3: 8 Squats (rest 60 seconds)
 Set 4: 8 Squats (rest 60 seconds)
 Set 5: max Squats (at least 9)

Push-Ups: One Hundred Push-Ups Week 1, Day 2: (Initial test = 5 Push-Ups)
Set 1: 3 Push-Ups (rest 90 seconds)
 Set 2: 4 Push-Ups (rest 90 seconds)
Set 3: 2 Push-Ups (rest 90 seconds)
 Set 4: 3 Push-Ups (rest 90 seconds)
 Set 5: max Push-Ups (at least 4)
Push-Up Plank: Hold for sixty seconds
Pull-Ups: Follow Scooby's plan
Stationary Bike: 10 minutes
Incline Bench Press*: As many reps in sixty seconds.
Leg Press*: As many reps in sixty seconds.
Leg Extension*: As many reps in sixty seconds.
Leg Curls*:  As many reps in sixty seconds.
Bicep Curls*: As many reps in sixty seconds.
Military Press*: As many reps in sixty seconds.
Tricep Extension*: As many reps in sixty seconds.
Woodchopper Squats*: As many reps in sixty seconds.
Bent over rows*: As many reps in sixty seconds.

Walk/Jog: C25k Week 1, Day 3 - Brisk five-minute warm-up walk. Then alternate 60 seconds of jogging and 90 seconds of walking for a total of 20 minutes.
Boxing: 3-minute rounds (From Frank Mir, found on
 :30 - Warmup: Strike the bag at 50 percent with variety of punches  
:30 - Power to full strength, jabs only
 :30 - Jab, throw a cross, repeat
 :30 - Jab, cross, hook, repeat
 :30 - Jab, cross, hook, uppercut, repeat
 :30 - Jab, cross, hook, uppercut, body punch, repeat
 1:00 - REST  Repeat 2 more times (Total of 9 minutes Cardio + 3 minutes rest)
Sit-Ups: Two Hundred Sit-Ups Week 1, Day 3 (Initial test=8 Sit-ups)
Set 1: 6 Sit-Ups (rest 60 seconds)
 Set 2: 7 Sit-Ups (rest 60 seconds)
Set 3: 6 Sit-Ups (rest 60 seconds)
 Set 4: 6 Sit-Ups (rest 60 seconds)
 Set 5: max Sit-Ups (at least 8)
Crunches: On stability ball.  (3 sets of 10)
Ab Killers: Also called Medicine Ball Twist, but Ab Killers is my name for it.  Sit on the ground with your legs straight in front of you and hold a medicine ball (you can use a weight or even basketball) on the ground beside one hip. Now, keeping your legs as straight as possible, lift your feet off the ground a couple of inches. Hold your legs up and move the ball across your body, touching it to the ground next to each hip. (2 Sets of 20.)  Count each time the ball returns to it’s original place.  (So, if you start on your right, you bring it to your left and then back to your right and count one.)  Make sure not to let your heels touch the ground.

Squats: Two Hundred Squats Week 1, Day 3 (Initial test=15 squats)
Set 1: 11 Squats (rest 60 seconds)
 Set 2: 13 Squats (rest 60 seconds)
Set 3: 10 Squats (rest 60 seconds)
 Set 4: 10 Squats (rest 60 seconds)
 Set 5: max Squats (at least 13)

Push-Ups: One Hundred Push-Ups Week 1, Day 3: (Initial test = 5 Push-Ups)
Set 1: 4 Push-Ups (rest 120 seconds)
 Set 2: 5 Push-Ups (rest 120 seconds)
Set 3: 4 Push-Ups (rest 120 seconds)
 Set 4: 4 Push-Ups (rest 120 seconds)
 Set 5: max Push-Ups (at least 5)
Core Blast:
Set a timer for 10 minutes.
- Hold the pushup-position plank for 60 seconds.
- Without resting, do 20 dumbbell swings or jumping jacks. (Dumbell Swing: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Grab a dumbbell with both hands with an overhand grip. Swing it between your legs as you bend at the hips and knees, as if you're about to hike it to a quarterback. Then swing it up to shoulder height as you stand.)
- Repeat the above sequence, without resting, until the timer goes off.
Rest for less than a minute and complete 2 more rounds.

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